Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled 

Who We Are

The Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled (AOAD) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting accessibility, inclusion, and empowerment for individuals with disabilities in Afghanistan. Our mission is to create a more inclusive society where persons with disabilities have equal opportunities to participate actively in all aspects of life.

At AOAD, we strive to provide advocacy, resources, and support to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities. Through our programs and initiatives, we work towards breaking down barriers to accessibility, promoting awareness, and fostering a culture of acceptance and understanding.

Our team consists of passionate individuals who are committed to driving positive change and making a difference in the lives of those with disabilities. Together, we aim to build a more accessible and inclusive Afghanistan where every individual, regardless of ability, can thrive and reach their full potential.

Where We Are

The Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled (AOAD) is headquartered in (Kabul, Afghanistan,) with a presence and outreach extending to various provinces across the country. Our central office serves as a hub for our operations, including advocacy, resource dissemination, and program coordination.

Additionally, AOAD operates through regional offices, such, Herat, Kandahar, Zabul, Paktika, Toorkham Nangarhar province and the community centers strategically located in key areas to ensure that individuals with disabilities have access to our services and support throughout Afghanistan. These decentralized locations enable us to reach a wider audience, engage with local communities, and provide tailored assistance to meet the diverse needs of people with disabilities across the nation.

Through our network of offices and outreach efforts, AOAD is actively working to improve accessibility, promote inclusion, and empower individuals with disabilities in Afghanistan. Our presence in multiple locations allows us to effectively address the unique challenges faced by different communities while fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.

AOAD Frontline

To learn more about AOAD, Please click the below button.

Abdul Khaliq Zazai

Founder & Executive Director of AOAD

Message from the Founder & Executive Director of AOAD

I am happy to share and celebrate AOAD’s success, jointly, with our bilateral donors, national and International partners, communities and the people with disabilities, who brought visible changes and equalities differences in their lives and move onwards with great hope, zeal and enthusiasm towards a sustainable and enduring social and economic wellbeing and addressing their rights as leaders.  Definitely AOAD’s 2020 was a small step towards national rehabilitation and development agenda, but stimulated big hope among our target communities for better future, which in turn reflect our programmatic efficiency and effectiveness during the decade.

Our passion has always been to see people living with disabilities are included in mainstream life, have full and equal rights, and everyone has the best opportunity for health, well-being, education, physical rehabilitation skill development and empowerment.  During 2020 I had the honor to meet so many beneficiaries mostly persons with disabilities included in AOAD projects of Skill Training, Job-creation, Physical Rehabilitations, Foods distributions, Clothes distributions and community mobilization for self-help. 

The Global Pandemic of COVID-19, was a hot-shock in the 2020, which imposed a national level catastrophe for Afghanistan resulting into lockdowns, road closers, increasing conflicts, and also shortage of the funding.   But thanks to the International community and donor’s solidarity who continued their financial contributions for AOAD and thanks to AOAD’s front-liners who kept their work without any lockdown and reached to the needy people, particularly, in the hard-to-reach areas.

Taking this opportunity let me present my hearty thanks and gratitude to the committed and courageous AOAD staff who, throughout 2020, uninterruptedly continued the operations, despite countrywide lockdown and life-threatening risk of COVID-19.   Let me wish you all to have a safe, healthy and successful 2021, with full peace and prosperity in Afghanistan and rest of the world.

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AOAD Founder & Director

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Years Experience

Our Vision

Protection, Equal Rights, Dignity, Inclusion, and Prosperity for persons with disability

Our Mission

To promote dignity and quality of life of Persons with Disabilities through provision of capacity, facilities,
services, and access to mainstream livelihood, in a sustainable manner.

Our Core Value

  • Respect and Dignity
  • Equality & Impartiality
  • Transparency & Accountability 
  • Commitment & Productivity

Our Objectives

  • Equality in socio-economic development
  • Mainstreaming Persons with Disabilities in political agenda   
  • Equality and Empowerment
  • Inclusion
  • Physical access and design for all
  • Providing Physical Rehabilitations

AOAD Partners

AOAD Ongoing Projects